We are going to share this video at poly-technology because it is very important to respect SYSADMINS in your office. This video has been shared on the YouTube channel of SysAid. Everyone should watch this video, shared in the SysAdmins day.
In the photo above you can see a man during his work he can not print his document because the printer is in the sleep mode and what he do to weak up him? He takes a glass of water and throw to him.We must thanks all the IT professionals that help a lot to make our life a little bit more easy. So, we appreciate everything you have done during the last 365 days of the last year.
This year and defenitevely a lot of years in the future will be full of IT challenges, like shadow IT, cloud computing, Heartbleed, BYOD and not to mention the usual day to day challenges that you have during your work.
In the photo above you can see how difficult is your life without IT staff.
At poly technology, we know what you do and have no questions about the important role you take in the success of the organization where you work.

During the video you will see to mans discussing how to upload documents in the cloud; the first of them just blow the papers in the air, the second one thinks that he is clever than the first one and he puts the documents like in the picture above.
So, we want to thank you about your great job and we wish that your boss will respect more and pay more of course while your loans are so poor.
Happy SysAdmin Day!
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